Life rafts and equipment on boats

Life rafts and equipment on boats

Life rafts are known as one of the most important equipments required in case of a possible accident in marine vehicles. If we give more detailed information about life rafts and equipment on boats. Life rafts are rescue vehicles that do not sink with the feature of air tubing, allowing the people who are stranded at sea to survive for a long time. The details and the serial number of the company that makes production can be found on the rafts. Also, we can easily say that important information such as instructions for use is included. Life rafts usually consist of different sections and each of these sections is inflated independently of each other. The bases of this life assault are completely watertight. There are also water pockets on the sides to keep the water stable. Thanks to these facades, while the balance is achieved, the raft can be pulled easily at 3 knots at full capacity. Non-toxic gases such as carbon dioxide are needed to inflate life rafts. The swelling rate of the life rafts takes place within 1 to 3 minutes, depending on the air temperature. The bottom part of the raft does not swell during this inflation process. However, survivors can inflate the rafting base if they wish. One of the most important details to be found on the lifeboat is the placement of light visible from at least 2 miles away. Of course, this light should work with dry chemical batteries or seawater. Besides, a hand lamp must be included in the life raft.

Uninflated Can Tuesday

There are two parts to connect the life rafts to the ship. These two important parts are parima rope and straps. These lashing straps need to be released to release the life raft into the sea when needed. Parima rope is the rope that provides the connection between the raft and the boat. After the life raft is released to the sea, the connecting parima rope is pulled and the air gas cylinders in the CO2 cylinder which opens the life raft are filled.

Inflated Can Tuesday Equipment

When a life raft is thrown into the sea, the following steps are followed.

• First of all, the right decision should be made on where to throw the life raft.

• You will leave the boat near here after you have thrown a life raft and make sure the parima rope is connected. Once you are sure, you should only unbuckle the strap.

• Check the water in the area you are going to throw before the life raft and discard the raft.

• Open the life raft by pulling and pulling the blank. If a life raft turns upside down, someone must jump into the sea with a life jacket and correct the life raft.

• The life raft, which is corrected, is removed from the parim and approached to the boat and passed to the life raft under the procedure.

We tried to give detailed information about life rafts and equipment on boats. The information given above is extremely important and must be observed.